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Here are 5 reasons to start a blog from Jacqueline Bodnar, blogger and author of “Blog for Bucks: How to Create, Promote, and Profit from Your Blog”
Many parents would love a way to make some extra money from home. Others may want more than just some extra money; they may want a way to work from home full time. The good news is that you can do both of things when you become a blogger.
Don’t let the fact that there are already a lot of bloggers out there make you fear throwing your hat into the ring. Bloggers have the ability to choose what they focus on, and as such the topics run the gamut. There’s always room for more bloggers, especially if you are passionate about a specific topic.
If you have been considering starting a blog, or you have been searching for something to do to make money from home, now is the time to consider blogging. Here are 5 reasons to start a blog…
This article is written by Jacqueline Bodnar
For more on this topic, check out the full Work Life Balance collection
5 Reasons to Start a Blog
Make money from home
Blogging offers a great way to earn money from home. There are numerous ways to earn money from your blogging efforts. Once you build an audience, you can leverage that to bring in an income.
Focus on a topic you enjoy
Everyone has something they are passionate about or would talk about for hours. Chances are, that topic would make a great focus for a blog. Blogging on that topic gives you an outlet to share what you know, find people who share your passion, and grow and learn more.
Promote your other endeavors
A blog can be a powerful marketing tool to help you get sales and new customers for another business you may have. Blogs can help bring in traffic to your website, establish you as an expert in an area, and help you increase your overall income.
Enhance your resume
Once you have a successful blog, you can always add that to your resume. It will serve as a way to show people the skills and knowledge you have in a particular area, as well as your writing capabilities.
Blog for fun
Many people start a blog simply because it’s a new project they can take on and have fun with. You may start it as a fun project, but you never know where it will take you or what opportunities may arise.
The truth is, when you start a blog, you never know where it will take you. Perhaps you earn a side hustle income from it, but maybe it becomes your full-time career. Maybe it opens doors to job opportunities, sales leads, and community involvement opportunities. One of the exciting things about blogging is that you don’t know where it will take you, but there is no doubt that you will enjoy the journey.
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For more in-depth information about starting a blog that makes money, check out my new book, “Blog for Bucks: How to Create, Promote, and Profit from Your Blog.” The book gives you a comprehensive look at how to start a blog through profiting from it. Whether you want to focus on a blog that targets only people in your county or focuses on a segment of the population around the country, you can build an audience and get paid to do it.
For more on this topic, check out the full Work Life Balance collection
Featured Contributor: Jacqueline Bodnar