Adore Them was created to be a place for parents who want to find the joy in parenting.
Yes, parenting is hard. Yes, parenting is exhausting. And yes, parenting is frustrating. But… that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t be enjoying our children & trying to improve this parenting experience for us & our families around us.
We are dedicated to sharing actionable tips, heartfelt insight, and planning strategies to help you enjoy your own parenting journey!
While it isn’t always easy, raising kids can (and should) be an incredible experience.
– Let’s ADORE THEM –
meet the owner
Karissa Tunis is the co-author of Parenting while Working from Home and the owner of Through these ventures she has been able to share inspiring, heartfelt insight with large audiences both within local communities and across the country. As a work-from-home mom of five children, Karissa understands the need for family-focused organization and time management. She consistently provides insight into child behavior that has helped fellow parents achieve their goals of calmer, happier homes.
Parenting while Working from Home
Parenting in December is very different from parenting in July―especially while working from home!
As more parents work from home than ever before, there are unique challenges when it comes to meeting the demands of their job, helping their kids thrive, and finding even five minutes to take care of themselves.
Parenting While Working from Home offers tips, strategies, and reflections to help parents balance their careers, connect with their kids, and establish their inner strength over the course of a year.