The most important people in my life are my children. Every night I go to bed snuggled up with at least one, if not all three of them. They are the reason I get up several times a night, and they are the reason I wake up early every single morning.
They are the reason I get dressed, make breakfast, pack lunches, and head to the bus stop like its ground hog day.
Everyday it’s a similar schedule, and everyday I am living for them.
This article is written by Karissa Tunis
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When I see a cute bunny out the window I yell for them to come see, and when I hear a funny story I want to tell them first.
And if I’m having a tough day, they are the best ones to cheer me up. Their little hugs and wet kisses always help to brighten my mood and bring me right back to what matters most – Them. Us. And Now.
My life and everything I do revolves around these precious three, and there is absolutely no way I would ever want it any other way!
As their mother I want only the best for my kids. I want to see them happy and succeeding. I love hearing their laughs and I enjoy all their sweet unique personalities.
But what chokes me up more than anything else is watching one of them suffer. Even if it’s a minor bruise, mommy always wants to kiss it and make it feel better. But the worst is watching one them go through something that I can’t just kiss and instantly fix. I would take their pain in a second and 1,000 times over again if I could. What I wouldn’t give to save them from any sort of discomfort.
Seeing their hurt brings on a mama’s guilt, even when I’m not at fault. And that feeling is hard to explain. It’s deep and it’s intense. It’s what keeps me up at night crying until my pillow is wet. It’s what keeps me on my knees praying to God that he protects them. And it’s what keeps me going through what I imagined I never could have possibly handled.
Everyday I do what I can for my children. And while some days I fall short of my standards, I wake up again and give parenting more of an effort. Because everyday I live for these precious three.
To me being a parent is a duty that I take very seriously. But it is also a privilege that I never want to take for granted. We brought these incredible little lives into this world, and now we owe them are very best.
When you have watched someone close to you lose a child, or when you have lost one of your own, or if you have ever come close to losing one, then you are rocked with the realization that this is an honor. Not a guarantee to have them forever, to maybe one day make it up to them. We only know for sure that we have right now, this moment to appreciate it all.
We have one shot at this parenting thing. And not to fill you with anxiety about getting it all right 100% of the time, but just a reminder to be present. To appreciate the little things. Even if it is a poopy diaper, a temper tantrum, an off day, look for the good in it all. You have that precious little one right in front of you. You have the opportunity to make a difference in their life. Hold them. Hug them. Kiss them. Adore them, and soak it all in!
I have friends that would give a body limb to have a child, and I have friends that went through incredible hurdles to be able to adopt. And here I am blessed with my darling three. Pregnancy wasn’t easy for me, and childbirth was not always smooth. All three of my children were extremely difficult babies, but yet they were my biggest blessings in life, and they each have a heart of gold!
The last two years have been difficult for our little family as our one son was severely injured. But it could have been worse. He is here, he is recovering, and we are all so extremely grateful!
Day to day life can be hard, and I at times have less than a pleasurable attitude. But often something will happen or remind me what is important and just how lucky I am to be someone’s mother, their mother.
I never want to let the negatives define or defeat me. But instead, use it to make me an even better, stronger, smarter, braver, and a more appreciative mommy to my precious three.
My Three Super-Heroes!
For more on this topic, check out the full All About Moms collection