Are you doing everything that you can to meet your child’s educational needs? You might think that it’s just the school’s job to take care of educating your child, but that’s not true at all. It’s due to this line of thinking that children are struggling more than ever, and we’re sure that you do not want this for your child.
So the best thing that you can do is to take your time and get it right. Think about all of the ways that you could potentially support your child and then put them into practice. Try to talk to your child about school on school days, and you might learn information that will help you with your journey here.
In this article, we’re going to be taking a look at some of the different things that you can do to meet your child’s educational needs so that you get a good idea of where to start. If you’re interested in learning more, you know what to do.
For more on this topic, check out the full Back to School collection
Supporting Them With Homework
The first point that we want to make is that you should be attempting to support them with their homework as much as you can when they need the help. There are going to be times where they don’t need your assistance and that’s fine, but you need to try and be available if they do. Even if you’re not that knowledgeable in the subject area, you can do your best to figure it out, and if that fails then there’s always the internet for you to use. While the kids might not be allowed to search things online, that doesn’t mean that you can’t.
Of course, there may be times where the subject is a weak one of yours and you can’t find the answers either, so in these cases we recommend trying to think if anyone you know would be able to help. Grandparents or friends of yours may be able to fill in the gap where you can’t. Just remember that it’s not about directly giving them the answer, it’s about helping them to get there on their own as best you can.
Sending Them To The Best School Possible
Another thing that you should be doing is sending them to the best school possible. Now, don’t get us wrong, we’re not saying that you should necessarily send your child to a private school as there are plenty of reasons parents don’t do this. Some people can’t afford it, some people don’t agree on moral grounds, and some people have other reasons so it’s completely okay if you don’t want to or cannot do this.
However, there are some schools that are better than others, and that’s just the way that it is. They may have more funding or they may have hired the better teachers, and you want to make sure that your kid goes to the best school that you can reasonably get them to. When you’re doing your research, you can look for things like charter school accreditation which shows educational excellence, and other things like this to determine if it’s the right school for your child.
We do want to stress though that if your child is achieving well and they are happy where they are, there is no immediate need to move them if you do not see one. We only mention this for those who are not achieving or not achieving as well as they should be.
Helping Them Learn Where They Struggle
There are going to be subjects at school that your child struggles with. Contrary to popular belief, kids do not have to be good at every single thing, and it’s okay to admit that there are areas in which they are not as strong as others. But, in order to get through school they at least need a passing mark, and if they want to get into a good college then they need a higher mark. If the subjects that they struggle with are strong suits of yours, or at least areas in which you know enough, then you need to step in.
We don’t mean that you need to take over their entire education in this area, but you need to offer your help and support where you can. If they have that class one day, we recommend that when you both get home you sit down and go through the work. See what they managed to get and what they didn’t, and then work with them until they are confident in that material. It’s the consistency here that will really help!
Hiring Them A Tutor To Help
Following on from our previous point, if the areas in which they are struggling is not something that you can help with, or it’s simply too much for you to cover, you need to get them a tutor. Private tutors have been a massive help to so many people as it’s 1-1 education meaning they can spend more time on the same topic. They can also try different ways to explain the subject matter, leading to better results.
Now, we know you’re probably thinking that hiring a tutor is expensive and it can be. But, even if you only hire them for two hours per week or so, that’s enough to give your child a boost in their confidence and what they are able to learn.
Supporting Extra Curricular Activities
Extra curricular activities are a part of education. Sports, drama, music, debate, and things like this will all come together to make up their education experience as a whole, and their knowledge in life. It’s important that you are encouraging and supporting these as best you can so that they have the best experience while they’re at school.
Liaising With Teachers To Find Out What More You Can Do
The final thing that we’re going to mention is that you should be liaising with their teachers to get as much information as you can on how they are performing in school. You can ask them how they’re getting on, what they are doing well, where their gaps in performance are, if it’s an entirely academic issue or if there’s more than that and so on. The more knowledge that you can gather, the better picture you’re going to get. Keep in mind that you’re unlikely to ever get the full picture from one source, so a combination of the teachers and your child accounting their education journey is probably going to give you the best idea.
Teachers can recommend things that you can do, sites that you can visit to get worksheets and so on to help, and it can really be a massive positive to speak to them. We know that a lot of people don’t like to get involved like this, but we promise that it’s in the best interest of your child if you do.
We hope that you have found this article helpful, and now see some of the things that you can do in order to meet your child’s educational needs. We’re not saying that it’s always going to be easy, but as a parent you have to be as involved as you can without being too overbearing. It’s a hard balance to find, but we’re sure that you can manage if you put in a little bit of effort. As long as you keep the lines of communication open, we’re sure that you will get this right, and your child will benefit from the best education possible because of it.
For more on this topic, check out the full Back to School collection