For most women, a wedding is about two things: finding the man of their dreams, and the wedding gown to match the day. When it comes to choosing a perfect wedding dress, there are so many factors to consider. One of the things you should keep in mind is that you should choose a wedding dress that matches your personality. However, it is much easier said than done. So if you want to choose a stunning dress that reflects who you are, the following tips should be immensely helpful!
For more on this topic, check out the full Navigating Marriage collection
Keep an Open Mind
It is common to see brides who go into bridal shops with a long list of features that they would want their wedding dress to have. Doing so usually leads to a lot of stress when choosing a wedding gown.
Instead, it would be better to keep an open mind. Not all brides can afford to have a unique dress designed for their special day. But most brides will be shopping for one. Therefore, finding the perfect wedding dress involves a lot of trial and error. The search is usually half the fun, and finding it is the other half. If you can keep an open mind, usually the perfect dress will find you.
If you want a stunning wedding dress that reflects your personality, then you will have to do your research. It is much easier to find what you are looking for if you know what that is.
The good news is that you can do as much research as you need online as there are so many sources of information. On the other hand, you should know that there is a time limit on the research, and a choice eventually has to be made.
You should already have an idea of what dress type matches your personality by the time you enter a bridal shop. Otherwise, you will be at the mercy of the sales techniques the persuasive shop employees will utilize.
Shop Early
You will have adequate time to shop for a wedding dress from the time of your engagement to your wedding day. However, you should not leave it until the last minute as you will probably make the wrong decision.
You should know that the best time to shop for a wedding dress is as early as possible. Some wedding dresses take up to eight months to be made, which means you will need to order in plenty of time before the wedding day.
Moreover, there will be additional time needed to make certain modifications such as size alterations and accessorizing. The more time you have to choose your wedding dress, the higher the chance of getting exactly what you want.
Have a Budget
One of the first things you should do before choosing a wedding dress is create a budget. It will definitely save you a lot of heartbreak later when you are searching for a wedding dress. The prices of wedding gowns vary widely and some could end up putting you in significant debt. You want a dress that reflects your personality, but not at the risk of financial ruin.
The ideal dress will meet the balance between affordability and aesthetics. If it does not, then it is not the perfect wedding dress.
Shopping early for a wedding dress is a great idea because it allows you time to find deals that can really offset the price. No matter how uncomfortable it is to talk about numbers, you should do it if you are to get the perfect wedding dress.
[Read: Saving Money]
Wedding Theme
If you are to choose a wedding dress that is quintessentially you, then you need to know the wedding theme beforehand. It will help avoid making mistakes that will dampen your special day. The last thing you want is your wedding dress to clash with your wedding style. For example, if you are having an outdoor wedding, a stunning vintage or elegant preowned engagement ring combined with, long sleeve wedding dresses by Jovani will be a fantastic choice. The wedding style will have to match the wedding dress and you might have to make some accommodations to accomplish that.
Therefore, as you are in the planning stages of the wedding, choose the theme and venue as early as you can. Keep it in mind while you do your research and shop for a wedding dress if it is to match your personality.
Shopping Crew
You will probably not be shopping alone when choosing a wedding dress. You will have a shopping crew who will have a significant influence on the dress you choose to wear on your big day. Therefore, it is paramount that you choose your shopping crew wisely. Though you may love your mother, sister, and friends; some of them will be a bad choice for your shopping crew.
You want a crew that will have your best interest at heart and who will not be biased in their choice. It will also be crucial to have a crew that will give you an honest, objective opinion. Therefore, choose a crew whose opinion matters to you and you know you can trust.
[Read: Friendships]
Trust Your Gut
Choosing a wedding dress can seem overwhelming, especially considering all the factors that you need to take into account. However, there is one factor that surpasses them all; your instincts.
If you want to choose a wedding dress or gown that truly reflects your personality, it is paramount that you follow your instincts. It is all well and good to do your research and have an objective view. But, if the feeling within is not congruent with the dress, you will not like it.
You should remember that the sale of most wedding dresses and their accessories is final. Therefore, you don’t have the luxury of returning a dress that you don’t like.
The only way to be certain about your choice is to trust your instincts. Everything else is secondary and will matter little in the end.
Choosing a wedding dress that reflects your personality is much easier said than done. However, if you can follow the tips above, you should have a good chance of choosing a dress that you will remember for the rest of your life. You deserve to shine and be comfortable on your wedding day and choosing a dress that is quintessentially you is the best way to do so.
For more on this topic, check out the full Navigating Marriage collection