How to Help Your Child Develop a Growth Mindset – Free Printables
Preparing kids to be high achievers is no easy task. Every day seems to bring new challenges. And in your quest to be the best parent possible, you’ve probably tried every trick in the book. Since your goal is to keep your little one motivated and set up for success.
To help you encourage your child to use this opportunity to grow, the folks at Tommy John created 3 science-backed exercises such as an emotional grid, a goal setting worksheet, and a conversational cube to teach skills like identifying emotions, working through challenges and practicing positive self-talk. These printables are perfect for learning life’s teachable moments (even during unknown times). And they will inspire them to share what they are going through and foster a mindset that’s fearless to failure.
First, let’s discuss what a growth mindset is. Having a growth mindset is an idea developed at Stanford University by Carol Dweck and it is the belief that the ability to learn is not fixed, and that it can change with effort. Duckworth says that “By testing our best ideas and strongest intuitions with the willingness to be wrong, we can start over again with lessons learned”. By encouraging your child to develop a growth mindset, they will learn not to fear failure but thrive in a challenge.
To help your child develop a growth mindset, we’ve included the following printables for your use!
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Growth Mindset for Kids Free Printables
For more on this topic, check out the full Sports and Back to School collections