Kids Coupon Game – Free Printable
Kids love to imitate what they see their parents doing, so why not take that opportunity to teach them about financial responsibility and good spending habits? With the printable below, created by the folks at Capital One Shopping, you can get your little ones involved in saving money while also purchasing something they are excited about. Have them choose a toy or special treat, such as a pizza or favorite snack item, and help them find a coupon for it. If they are able to find a coupon for that item, reward them by buying that item the next time you are out shopping.
To help you and your little ones get started, Capital One Shopping has also pulled together some great couponing tips. By teaching your children how to be frugal, you are encouraging them to develop good money management skills and healthy spending habits. After playing this game a few times, you may even find them clipping coupons on their own!
Kids Coupon Game – Free Printable
For more on this topic, check out the full Saving Money collection
For more on this topic, check out the full Saving Money collection