There’s a beast in the entrepreneurial world that a lot of people don’t talk about. And that’s the relationship aspect. When you’re in a relationship as an entrepreneur, it can sometimes get downright tense. Which is why this week, we’re exploring what a business relationship looks like. And talking all about how to make sure you’re tending to your relationships, while chasing your dreams.
This article is written by Erin Shebish
For more on this topic, check out the full Work Life Balance collection
Business Relationship Show Highlights:
Yeah, I know. I said I was on a content break but I couldn’t resist this opportunity to talk about relationships.
I can’t talk about relationships on my own! That’s not fair. So this week you get to sit with me AND my husband while we dig deep into our own relationship road bumps.
Time & Communication
Jon and I began our relationship while I was already immersed in the entrepreneurial world. He thought he got it. I thought he got it. He didn’t. And that wasn’t because of just him. It wasn’t because of just me. It was lack of communication.
Communication is at the heart of so many relationship issues. We often expect our partners to be mind readers and know exactly what is going on all the time. But the truth is that they aren’t.
Encourage your partner to sit down with you and have real discussions about what you’re doing and why you’re doing it. Share with them those big dreams and let them know that they’re important to your big dreams.
Don’t forget to make time for the ones that you love. There is a lot of buzz about hustling round the clock to make things happen but if you’re not spending time with the ones that you love, success won’t amount to much.
Counseling isn’t a dirty word. If you’re struggling with communication or even if you’re feeling disconnected, go talk to a professional. Your relationship is important. Make sure you treat it with care.
For more on this topic, check out the full Work Life Balance collection
Featured Contributor: Erin Shebish
- Website:
- Facebook: @ErinShebish
- Instagram: @ErinShebish