Parental relationships are often strained after a divorce due to feelings of failure and bruised egos. However, divorce has a more significant, lasting effect on your kid as they’ll likely fail to understand the reason why the relationship between their parents changed. Divorce can impact your kids. But what will determine the quality of their lives depends on the relationship you build with them. Even if you’re no longer together with your ex-spouse, you can still provide the best life for your kid by being the best parent for them. Below are simple yet effective ways to reconnect with your kids after divorce.
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Stay Engaged
Settling the divorce with top family law lawyers in Orange County or from your area is often stressful, but this shouldn’t prevent you from pursuing a quality relationship with your kid. In fact, you should prioritize engaging with your child right after the divorce has been finalized.
Regardless of the amount of parenting time you’re allotted, regular communication is key. Ask plenty of questions about their day-to-day life and activities they have in school. Make it easier for them to open up to you by encouraging them to talk about what stresses or worries them. Especially when it involves emotional turmoil caused by the divorce.
Don’t forget to ask your child if they have any upcoming events at school so you can adjust your schedule and attend. Even if you’re already divorced, it’s important to show support to your kid in all of the activities they choose to participate in.
Pursue A Shared Hobby
One of the biggest mistakes divorced parents often commit is to plan for an elaborate trip once or twice a year, thinking that this effort compensates for the lack of regular communication. Being a ‘Disneyland parent’ isn’t the best way to go to reconnect with your kid after divorce.
Use the period after the divorce to look for a shared hobby that you two can enjoy together. This might be the best time to introduce your little one to the wonders of saltwater fishing, or try out cooking meals from different cuisines.
Think about activities that you and your child have an interest in and find time to pursue them. Over time, these activities can become an effective platform for both of you to bond and create a strong relationship together.
Be Forgiving
Divorce can leave mental scars on your child to the point where they say things or show behavior that hurt you. This is a common response from a child, especially when they’re still too young to understand the reason behind the divorce, and how they can process their emotions.
Instead of taking everything your kid says and does personally, learn to be forgiving. Don’t get upset or angry when your child’s behavior suddenly changes after the divorce. Talk to them and encourage them to share their innermost feelings with you.
Always encourage them to be honest about their feelings, and let them feel that you understand whatever emotions they have. This might be challenging at first. Especially if your child shows resentment after the divorce. But it’s essential to ensure that they go through the transition easily – and that includes feeling and working through all of the emotions.
Spend As Much Time With Your Kid
Paying a babysitter to look after your children might seem convenient, but taking this route can stain your relationship. How can you build a connection with your kid if you’re practically absent all the time? Do you think you can get on your kid’s good side if this becomes a routine?
Spend as much time with your kids to reconnect with them after the divorce. Regardless of how busy you are with work and other matters, open up your schedule for your child so you can bond with them. Prioritizing your kid after the divorce allows you to build family dynamics that’ll make them feel safe and secure in this new setting.
Be Predictable And Consistent
Some divorced parents will pick up their kids from school every day for an entire week and then go MIA the following week. This kind of routine can be stressful for the kid as they likely expect to see their parent waiting for them outside of school every day.
Another way to reconnect with your child after the divorce is to remain predictable and consistent. If you plan to pick up your kid from school, make sure that you do it every day at the same time. If you want to bond with your kid by watching movies with them every weekend, see to it that you can consistently follow through.
Children thrive on predictability and consistency to make them feel safe after the divorce. This is why it’s crucial to maintain stable routines. This will help lessen the impact of divorce on your kid.
Stay Patient
Reconnecting with your kid after divorce will require time and effort, so never rush the process. Consistently follow all of the tips presented in this article and don’t lose hope if you’re not getting the results you’re hoping for. Remain patient with your efforts and keep working on your relationship – you’ll never regret it!
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