It can be difficult for both women and men to discuss infertility issues openly since there is significant societal stigma and shame attached to the issue. For any couple looking to start a family, infertility often feels like an unexpected punch in the gut. It is painful. And can cause couples to feel as though their biggest dreams have been snatched unceremoniously from them.
However, infertility is no longer the death knell it once was. And now there are a few options available to people looking to become parents. If you, like so many others, are struggling with infertility and desperately want a baby, then the following information should help point you in the right direction.
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Look Into Fertility Drugs
One thing you can try, provided that you check with your doctor first, is the usage of fertility drugs. Now, these aren’t exactly a slam dunk. And it will often vary from couple to couple. In any case, a reproductive endocrinologist basically takes a look at the couple’s details to assess the root cause of infertility. Then based on that information, they will try to assign medication that will work to help increase sperm production, stimulate ovulation, and thicken the uterine lining. If you haven’t yet discussed this with your specialist, it may be worth checking into to see if this option would work for you.
Another option that can be helpful to new couples struggling with infertility is surrogacy. While the term may seem familiar, you are probably wondering, how does surrogacy work? Well, it is primarily recommended for those who are unable to go through with the pregnancy themselves, mostly due to medical reasons. Although, it is a popular option for gay couples who cannot start families easily on their own. For an infertile couple, the surrogate would have the embryo implanted. The surrogate will then be responsible for carrying and delivering the baby for the new parents.
Adoption is sometimes overlooked in discussions around infertility. However, it is often the perfect, peaceable option for couples eager to become parents. There are many children out there who need to be cared for. And providing them a home is not only wonderful in and of itself, but it can be an excellent learning experience for new parents. Of course, in this scenario, the adoptive parents are not related genetically to the family in question. There are several routes interested couples can take, from private adoption centers, to international adoption, going through the foster care system, and so on. This, of course, doesn’t cure infertility, but it is a significant way of addressing the issue and starting a family anyway.
In the end, there is always the option of simply accepting a child-free life. This sometimes isn’t feasible for people who have their heart set on becoming parents. But it might be worth considering. Sometimes things happen for a reason. And perhaps there are other plans for you on the horizon. Even so, there are a few solutions for you to consider as you make your way through this difficult time.
For more on this topic, check out the full Tough Times collection