No matter whether you are a foodie or not, you will likely cook most meals for yourself. If you are not a keen chef, then you might lack the interest in making your meals fun and enjoyable. But it doesn’t matter if you can afford organic foods, or wish to keep your food costs low. There are so many simple ways that lazy cooks can make their meals tastier and on budget.
Follow these tips below to find out how to rediscover your love for cooking and how to elevate your meals. Especially if you are lazy in the kitchen!
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Utilize Sauces
If you are someone that often feels unsatisfied after a meal, then it might be because it lacks flavor. If you do not utilize sauces, then your food is likely not going to be as yummy and fulfilling as you had hoped for.
And, if you think about restaurant food, it is almost always satisfying. The reason for this is that chefs always utilize flavors through their sauces.
Therefore, it is a great idea to start utilizing sauces in your own simple dishes to make them more enjoyable. For instance, you could try this shrimp with garlic sauce recipe to elevate your dish. Instead of serving plain and unsatisfying meals, you can jazz them up and make them much more enjoyable by adding a simple sauce.
Invite Over Some Guests
Should you be someone that dislikes cooking or sourcing ingredients and ideas for meals, then why not ask for some company? You could ask your partner, a friend, or your children to accompany you to the grocery store. Help you find new recipes. And perhaps even participate with the cooking itself.
Having company will help you socialize while cooking, and also take your mind off of the fact that you feel it is boring. Likewise, you could also cook for someone instead of yourself. If you mostly cook for yourself, then cooking for someone else can make it more challenging and therefore, more fun.
Take time with batches
If you are someone that lacks the interest in cooking each meal from scratch, then it might make sense to prepare your meals ahead of time. That way, you can choose a good time where you can focus and enjoy the cooking. Then, you can eat the delicious pre-prepared meals throughout the week.
Cooking in batches is a great idea if you lack the time or the excitement for cooking. You could spend an hour or two at the weekend, when you are most relaxed, exploring new recipes and utilizing more flavors. Then, you can cook in batches so that you can have yummy and satisfying meals to feed yourself with throughout the week.
Lazy chefs have so many useful ways to make cooking more enjoyable. You simply need to cook at the right time and cook in a way that suits you. You don’t have to follow the traditional ways of sourcing, preparing, or cooking foods. Instead, you could grow your own produce. Try cooking with friends. And explore unique recipes to find a new sense of fun in cooking food.
For more on this topic, check out the full Recipes collection