Being mindful of your energy consumption in the family home will not only ensure you reduce your carbon footprint, but your utility bills as well. With a few upgrades and by following eco-friendly best practices you can use less energy without it having an effect on your lifestyle. You could even consider using renewable resources, such as solar energy to power your appliances. It’s worth investing in ways to reduce energy consumption as this will not only help you save on your bills, but it’ll also add value to your home. Energy efficiency is very important to today’s buyers. Here are a few tips to get you started, and 10 effective ways to reduce energy consumption in your family home.
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Install solar panels
More and more homeowners are opting for solar power nowadays. This is due to its many benefits. Installing solar panels is simpler than you might think and they’re very low maintenance once you’ve put them up. You can power your electrical appliances using solar panels which greatly reduce your electricity bill. This is not the only way solar panels can help save you money in the long run. You may also be entitled to a tax credit. You can find out more about federal solar tax credits and other incentives at
Use solar outdoor lighting
If you aren’t able to make structural changes to your property you could consider solar lighting instead. This is ideal for your home’s entrance and exterior, or outside in the yard. Create a magical atmosphere with solar string lights, for example. These will charge using solar energy during the day and will turn on when the sun goes down. They’re perfect for those long summer evenings. You won’t even need to worry about extending power cables outside.
Switch to smart lighting
Indoors, you could switch to smart lighting. The best smart light bulbs will adjust to create a balance with the natural light. These smart LEDs also provide the best imitation of daylight in darker rooms or during the evening. They have custom settings and can be controlled remotely as part of a smart home system. This means you can monitor your energy consumption and look for areas of improvement.
Install a smart thermostat
It’s also worth upgrading to a smart thermostat. Heating bills are one of the important factors homeowners should bear in mind, as they can really skyrocket in the winter. With a smart thermostat you can avoid overspending on your gas bill as you will have more control over your heating. You can set your heating to come on and go off at appropriate times and adjust the temperature accordingly. You’ll also receive notifications and updates of your energy consumption which will help you to reduce this.
Upgrade your appliances
If you really want to improve the energy efficiency of your home it might be a good idea to upgrade your appliances to more modern or smart models. These will use less energy and save you on your bills, so you’ll get a return on your investment. Look for appliances that are approved by Energy Star, for example, or read online reviews to ensure you get the best deals.
Consider other renewable resources
As well as considering solar power, you could also look into other renewable resources. More homeowners nowadays are searching for alternatives to a traditional furnace or boiler. These include air or ground source heat pumps, biomass systems, hydroelectric systems, and more. Here’s a complete guide on how to power your home with renewable energies. Which method is best for you often depends on the type of property you have and its location. Certain renewable energies are more suitable for rural areas, for instance. Try doing some research to see what options are available to you.
Replace your windows
If you upgrade your windows to a more eco-friendly option you will be able to reduce your energy consumption in various ways. A more sustainable design will let in natural light but reduce glare and heat. Equally, it will also prevent heat loss during the winter. There are also changes you can make to your window frames and coverings. Check out these eco-friendly window upgrades to give you more of an idea.
Carry out weatherstripping
Replacing your windows isn’t the only way you can improve the insulation of your home. It’s also a good idea to carry out weatherstripping. This is essentially sealing off small gaps in exterior doors and windows. You can do this yourself with caulk, for example. Here is a short video tutorial so you can see how easy it is. Weatherstripping will prevent heat or cool air from escaping so you can further protect your home from the elements. This will save you on both your heating bill and your air conditioning.
Get your roof fixed
Gaps in your roof can spell bad news for energy efficacy because heat rises, and if there is nothing effective to stop it, it will leave your home. What that means is that you’ll have to use more expensive energy to heat more air, for that air to rise and so on.
Instead of getting lost in this endless merry-go-round of inefficient energy use, why not contact your local roofing contractor for some help? They will be able to fix any holes in your roof that are letting out the heat, keeping your energy consumption and bills low.
Improve your insulation
A quarter of the heat in the home is lost through the roof, so it’s essential to ensure you have sufficient insulation up there. You could have your roof inspected to see if any improvements can be made. Alternatively here is a quick guide on how to insulate your home. Proper insulation makes a big difference. Is the most effective way to ensure you maintain the temperature of your home without it being affected by the weather outside. This way you can keep your utility bills low all year round.
Promote eco-friendly best practices
There are also a few changes you can make to your habits that will reduce your energy consumption. Wash your clothes on a lower heat and for a shorter time, for example. Try to get all the family in the habit of turning off appliances, lights, and electronics when they’re not using them. You could also try to use less water by being mindful of bath and shower time or even replacing your showerhead with a water-saving one. If you aim to change the attitude of everyone in your home, you’ll all soon get used to using less energy automatically. The whole family can then benefit from the money you save on your utility bills.
For more on this topic, check out the full Family Home collection