Helping others doesn’t always have to mean grand gestures. It can be about the little things that we do on a more regular basis to help make a difference. Here is a list of 50 simple ways to help others…
For more on this topic, check out the full Helping Others & Friendship collections
- If you know people who you think would make great friends, introduce them to each other.
- Visit your local senior centers & ask how you can help – even if it simply spending time with the people there & listening to their stories.
- Put together care kits for the homeless.
- Send a card to a hospitalized child through a site like
- Color pictures to bring happiness to others via
- Have people donate to a charity instead of giving you birthday gifts.
- Help others find the resources that they need. There are so many helpful community organizations & sometimes all someone needs is that initial connection.
- Donate food regularly to local community organizations in need. Check with them to make sure you follow their guidelines.
- Participate in local government & community groups. Lend your voice & speak up for the greater good of the community.
- Be kind to everyone that you interact with throughout the day (even if they are not kind to you).
- Give thoughtful gifts that show your friends & family that you truly understand them as a person.
- Educate yourself & utilize green strategies when you can.
- Plan social activities for friends & acquaintances to encourage community bonds.
- Donate clothes to a homeless shelter.
- Pay for the food, coffee, or bus fare for the person behind you in line.
- Pick up groceries for someone who is sick or struggling through a difficult time
- Send a quick text of encouragement to a friend before a big interview, meeting, project, etc.
- Help out fellow parents by offering to babysit – even if it’s just for an hour or two.
- Compliment fellow parents when you see them out & about doing a good job parenting their children.
- Do a household chore that is usually your partner’s responsibility.
- Take the time to actually fill out those customer service surveys & give your server, attendant, etc a rave review.
- Take a step back when you are getting annoyed with others & remind yourself that they might just be having a really bad day.
- When asked if you’d like to donate a dollar to a charity at checkout, say “yes.”
- Actually spend the few dollars to purchase something from local children’s fundraisers.
- Offer help when you see someone struggling to load groceries into their car.
- Compliment a coworker in front of others when they go above & beyond.
- Patiently help a friend slowly & systematically work through a hard decision.
- Keep your eyes and ears open for job openings & pass them along to others who might be a good fit.
- Introduce yourself to your neighbors & people you come across regularly in the community.
- Pack extra snacks & offer them to those around you whether you’re at work or at the park.
- Volunteer at school events when asked.
- Donate some of your time to a local community organization to help teach a skill that comes naturally to you (photography, cooking, computer skills, etc).
- Stand up for someone who is being treated unfairly.
- Stop complaining about things that aren’t a big deal. Letting it go will also help those around you.
- Ask local organizations about volunteer opportunities.
- Make birthdays a big deal & go out of your way to make the person feel special.
- Cover co-worker’s shifts when they have something important that they need to take off for.
- Organize a meal train for someone in need.
- Go to your friend’s kid’s events & activities to show your support.
- Encourage those around you to learn new skills & support their passions.
- Send a care package to someone far from home.
- Help a tourist find fun activities to do in your town.
- When someone has a significant impact on your life, reach out to let them know.
- Reach out to old friends when you think of them – even if it’s been years.
- Add coins to someone’s parking meter if you notice that it’s about to run out.
- Collect winter coats from the people in your community & donate them to charity.
- Make the effort to spend time with friends. Add it to the calendar & make it happen.
- Donate blood regularly.
- Become a mentor through a local youth organization.
- Care for yourself. You will be better able to help others when your own needs are fulfilled.
For more on this topic, check out the full Helping Others & Friendship collections