Women. Wonderful, wondrous women. We nurture, we work, we learn, we raise, we cook, we launder, and we do an awful lot for everyone around us. We have a nurturing nature that leads us to take care of everyone and anyone – except ourselves. Women are raised to put everyone else around them first and that leads to a decline in women’s health.
The problem here is that the pressure on women to manage everyone else means that the last person they consider is themselves and what they need for themselves. We strive for high positions at work, to be the best possible parent, and to be the best cook. We strive to create a space where our children and partners are comfortable and comforted. However, we just don’t do enough for women’s care. Or to ensure we are rested and less stressed. Our bodies and brains go through a lot, so how can we help women to remain as healthy as possible? We’ve got some tips to help:
For more on this topic, check out the full Staying Healthy collection
Ways for Women to Remain Healthy
Below are four ways for women to remain healthy and focus on their self-care.
Add exercise into your daily routine.
If we want to do more to care for women, we have to convince them that they are important first and foremost. The best way to do this is to remind them that exercise is needed throughout the day. Whether this is done with just walking or actually carving out the time to go to the gym it doesn’t matter. As long as there’s movement that promotes oxygen flow and a faster heart rate, that’s what will count.
Look at diet.
Is there a woman in your life who’s exhausted? Cook her a meal. Make her a morning smoothie. Craft a salad with all the trimmings. Get her feeling like you care enough for her to eat well and she will feel better and more energized for it. Helping her to eat as if her health depends on it is important, and it’s vital to consider that while a woman is busy cooking and ensuring that everyone else eats for their health, why not care about her, too?
Consider looking up dietary supplements to ensure sufficient vitamins and minerals intake. Probiotics for women would be a good addition for optimal gut health.
Book appointments.
When was the last time you saw a doctor for a female health check? A smear test? A mammogram? Bullying a spouse into going to the doctor is one thing but you need to bully yourself from time to time. As a woman, it’s vital that you are keeping up with your health and that means actually attending these vital appointments.
Indulge in self-care.
Prevention is the best option for a woman in need of care and that means self-care is an absolute must. You have to do what you can to feel good and that means indulging from time to time. Meditation, sleeping and showering are BASICS. Self-care includes manicures, massages and taking time to do something she wants to do and not something that should be hygiene-related!
Women need people around them to take better care of themselves, and they need to be reminded that they are worth taking care of themselves, too.
For more on this topic, check out the full Staying Healthy collection