Now that restrictions are easing and more businesses are preparing to reopen, it can be hard to know where’s best to start. You can’t just get back to being open as usual without taking into account everything that might have changed while you were closed. Whether you’re ready to transition back from remote management, or are planning to wait a little longer, here are tips that can help. What steps do you need to take to keep your customers safe? Continue reading below to learn more about preparing for reopening during COVID.
For more on this topic, check out the full Work Life Balance collection
Do A Final Deep Clean
First you will need to take steps to protect customers who are returning to your business. Complete a deep clean before you open the doors again.
Let your customers know that you are taking this step, and doing it properly, to ease any worries that they might have about coming back. Post photos of the deep cleaning on your social media platforms like your Facebook, or Instagram stories. Share the other steps that you’re taking for extra safety, like adding sanitizing stations (read Zylast reviews here). This way customers can see the commitment you’re making to their safety.
This might seem like a straightforward and quite obvious tip. But it can easily be something that gets forgotten about in the rush to get your business ready for the grand reopening. Make sure to follow this step before you open the doors to any returning customers or clients, to keep everyone safe.
Prepare Your Customer’s Service Outlets
Get ready to be asked a lot of questions by customers and clients! Make sure that your team is prepared to answer any questions in calls, emails, and in-person. Consider your answers ahead of time from changed opening hours, to your Covid precautions.
You can use chatbot technology, or designate specific team members to handle the digital responses. But however you choose to answer them, be prepared for all sorts of questions, and get the right customer service resources in place.
Remember that your team will need to be understanding with your customers too, and aware of the extra concerns that they might have.
Be sure that all of your employees are ready to respond in a timely, professional, and positive manner to customers. How they respond will directly impact how the community embraces your re-opening.
Update Your Google Listing
Some things will probably have changed, like your operating hours. Once you have decided to reopen, your new hours and information will need to be updated. Make sure that it is easy for your customers and clients to find your new details.
Put these updates on your Google business page, your Facebook page, Yelp page, and anywhere else where you display your opening hours and other business information.
Create Cleaning And Safety Protocols
One of the most important things to commit to if you’re reopening is keeping a very clean and safe environment for your customers to shop, and employees to work in.
As a way to get back into opening up and making sure your customers feel comfortable and safe, think about carrying on some of the precautions you were taking while your business was closed or running more limited services.
For example, deep clean more often. Have your employees wear masks and gloves while they’re working. And be sure that everyone is doing their part to keep staff and customers safe.
For more on this topic, check out the full Work Life Balance collection