Potty training can feel daunting when you’re approaching that stage of development, but I hope after reading this post, you’ll have some practical tools to help you achieve potty training success without too much stress! Between potty training both of my boys, I feel like I have a few pointers for fellow moms that are trying to potty train their little ones. And all of my methods follow a natural, simple, gentle potty training approach that does not include rewards or punishments. …
Potty Training
Potty Training Quiz – Is My Kid Ready to Potty Train?
Potty Training Quiz – Is My Kid Ready to Potty Train?
Potty training is easier and happens faster if your child is truly ready in all three areas: physical, cognitive and social. But the big question is: how do you know when your child is ready? If you have never traveled this road before, you likely don’t even know what signs to look for. Take this potty training quiz to find out where your child is on the readiness spectrum.
This article is written by Elizabeth Pantley
For more on this topic, check out the full Potty Training & Pacifiers collection
Potty Training Quiz
Answer the questions below to find out if your child is ready to start potty training!
1. I can tell by watching that my child is wetting or filling his diaper:
(a) Never.
(b) Sometimes.
(c) Usually.
2. My toddler’s diaper needs to be changed:
(a) Frequently, every hour or two.
(b) It varies.
(c) Every two to three hours – sometimes less frequently.
3. My child understands the meaning of wet, dry, clean, wash, sit, and go:
(a) No.
(b) Some of them.
(c) Yes.
4. When my child communicates her needs, she:
(a) Says or signs a few basic words, and I guess the rest.
(b) Gets her essential points across to me.
(c) Has a good vocabulary and talks to me in sentences.
5. If I give my child a simple direction, such as, “put this in the toy box,” she:
(a) Doesn’t understand or doesn’t follow directions.
(b) Will do it if I coach or help her.
(c) Understands me and does it.
6. My child can take his pants off and put them on:
(a) No.
(b) With help he can.
(c) Yes.
7. When I read a book to my child, he:
(a) Ignores me.
(b) Sometimes listens, sometimes wanders off.
(c) Sits, listens, and enjoys the story.
8. My toddler wants to do things “all by myself”:
(a) Never.
(b) Sometimes.
(c) All the time!
9. I think that it’s the right time to begin potty training:
(a) No.
(b) I’m undecided.
(c) Yes.
Potty Training Quiz Results
Total the number of responses for each letter:
- __________
- __________
- __________
Most answers are a: Wait.
Your little one doesn’t seem to be ready just yet. Test again in a month or two.
Most answers are b: Time for pre-potty training–get ready!
Your child is not quite ready for active training, but you can take many steps to prepare your toddler for the future. Gradual introduction of terms and ideas will make potty training easier when the time comes.
Most answers are c: Your toddler is ready to use the potty!
It’s time to start your potty training adventure. Good luck, and have fun!
[ Download a Free Potty Training Guide ]
Are you between two scores?
Just like any parenting situation, there are choices to make. If your child is hovering between two categories, it’s time to put your intuition to good use. Your knowledge of your own child can direct you toward the right plan of action.
This article is an excerpt from The No-Cry Potty Training Solution: Gentle Ways to Help Your Child Say Good-Bye to Diapers by Elizabeth Pantley. (McGraw-Hill)
Featured Contributor: Elizabeth Pantley
- Website: NoCrySolution.com
- Facebook: @ElizabethPantleyNoCryAuthor
- Instagram: @ElizabethPantley
Free Potty Training Reward Chart
Potty training is an important milestone in every child’s life! And it can be a big moment for us parents too! Print out this free potty training reward chart to use when training your little one to use the potty. You can use stickers, crayons, markers, or get creative 🙂 And once they fill up the boxes, give them a fun reward. Perhaps a piece of candy, a new toy, a special movie, or a fun new craft. Either way, make sure you are keeping your patience and celebrating their hard work!…
How to Create a Calming Retreat in Your Bathroom in 8 Easy Steps
This past winter I became very sick with the flu, and I ended up missing my family vacation to Disney and Universal. The side effect from the medication I was prescribed was anxiety that I had never dealt with before. Through talking with other parents, I found it was quite common. One solution that really helped me to relax was actually taking baths. This experience inspired me to turn my bathroom into a calming retreat. And below, I share these steps that will allow you to do the same in your home!
Calming baths are not only great for adults, but they are perfect for kids as well. It’s no secret that you can use the same methods to create a relaxing bath for yourself and for your kids. Whether you too are going through a difficult time, or just need to relax after a long day, a bath can really help!
This article is written by Pamela Rineer
For more on this topic, check out the full Tough Times, Potty Training & Pacifiers, or DIY Projects collection
Create a calming retreat in your bathroom in 8 easy steps with DIY epsom bath salt:
Start with a clean slate and clear the clutter.
No one can relax in an environment when they see the laundry piled up, or they are tripping over bath toys. Lidded baskets are the way to go. Drop in the clutter so it’s out of sight.
Plush towels make you feel like you’re at the spa. But really, a nice large clean towel is all you need.
Candles create a soothing atmosphere and they smell great. Choose a pleasing scent like lavender or vanilla. Or if you use a diffuser, try oils that create a peaceful state of mind. In addition to lavender, try eucalyptus, orange, chamomile, ylang ylang or bergamot.
Add some plants. My favorites in the bathroom are aloe (they pull double duty when you have a scraped knee), ferns, and peace lily (known for also being an air purifier).
Get a gel cool mask. They can be easily purchased at a box store. Store in the fridge, and they will be ready when you are.
Keeping a stool next to your tub allows you to store items such as a book, magazine, or a device to listen to music. Using a portable speaker allows you to create a soothing atmosphere without having a phone in the same room which can be distracting.
Epsom Salts
Epsom salts are a great inexpensive spa like treatment. You can create your own DIY bath salts and store them in a pretty apothecary jar with a scoop, or keep it in a mason jar next to the tub. They are easy to make, and here is the perfect calming bath recipe:
- 2 cups epsom salt
- 1 tablespoon organic coconut oil (I keep a small pretty jar next to the epsom salts filled with my coconut oil.)
- 5 drops essential oil
* Note – half this recipe when kids need a bath to unwind after a busy school or sports week!
And if you would like to keep the relaxation going, check out my other article What To Keep On Your Nightstand to Increase Relaxation, Enjoy!
For more on this topic, check out the full Tough Times, Potty Training & Pacifiers, or DIY Projects collection
Featured Contributor: Pamela Rineer
Pamela Rineer lives in Lititz, PA with her husband, two boys, and very large goldendoodle. With a love of real estate, design, and money management she began rennovating their homes on a budget. Now, settling into their fifth house, she shares simple DIY’s for all things home.
- Instagram: @pamelarineerinteriors
- Facebook: @pamelarineerinteriors
- Pinterest: @pamelarineerinteriors
- Website: pamelarineerinteriors.weebly.com
Strawberry Lemonade Refresher Recipe
Fresh strawberries flavor this healthy, homemade lemonade. By sweetening with honey instead of sugar, this option offers a healthy alternative to other beverages. So try this strawberry lemonade recipe today for a refreshing, kid-friendly drink!
This article is written by Lindsey Cover
For more on this topic, check out the full Potty Training & Pacifiers and Recipes collection

Strawberry Lemonade Refresher
- 1 lb Strawberries
- 2 Meyer Lemons juice of
- 1/3 cup Honey or to taste
- 4 cups Cold Water divided
- Combine strawberries, lemon juice, honey, and 2 cups water into a powerful blender. Blend on high until smooth, approximately 1-2 minutes.
- Pour into a large pitcher and stir in remaining 2 cups water. If necessary, add more sweetener to taste.
- Serve over ice.
Strawberry Lemonade Refresher Recipe
- 1 lb strawberries
- juice of 2 Meyer lemons
- 1/3 cup honey (or to taste)
- 4 cups cold water, divided
- Combine strawberries, lemon juice, honey, and 2 cups water into a powerful blender. Blend on high until smooth, approximately 1-2 minutes.
- Pour into a large pitcher and stir in remaining 2 cups water. If necessary, add more sweetener to taste.
- Serve over ice.
Serves 6
In this collection, we cover a variety of tips and strategies to help get you through the toddler years a bit more smoothly! Learn how fellow, experienced parents potty trained their children and weaned them from their pacifiers. Then take those ideas and implement them in a way that will work best for your family!
For more on this topic, check out the full Potty Training & Pacifiers and Recipes collection
Featured Contributor: Lindsey Cover
Lindsey Cover is a work-at-home wife and mom of two young boys, Jadon and Owen. She blogs about affordable healthy living, money-saving methods, simple recipes, and more at SimpleSaverWife.com
Potty Training Advice – How I potty trained all 3 of my kids in a few days
As a mom of three kids who each potty trained in a matter of only a few days, I wanted to share my potty training advice step by step with all of you! Keep in mind that every child is different. But in this parenting article, I’m sharing strategies that have worked well for each of my children – despite their differences.
Potty Training Certificate – Free Printable
Download, save, and print your own copy of this free potty training certificate printable!
Continue reading below for more potty training help…
Many parents dread the thought of potty training, and i can be hard to know where to start. This is why we have compiled a whole bunch of parenting advice on the topic of potty training!
Potty Training Help
Shari covers the following topics in more detail in her article: Gentle Potty Training – 12 Parenting Tips for Potty Training Success
- Be sure to plan ahead before potty training
- Take things one step at a time
- Find a potty that works for your kid
- Use the naked method for potty training
- Get creative with activities while learning to use the potty
- Make potty training fun
- Use the right amount of praise for your particular child
- Have your child drink plenty of liquids while potty training
- Trust your kids and don’t pester them too much
- Give gentle potty reminders
- Figure out the transition to clothes after potty training
- Find a great travel potty
Learn how one mom of three kids potty trained each child in just a few days! Keep in mind that every child is different, but in this parenting article We are sharing strategies that have worked well for each of her children – despite their differences.
Potty Train Quickly
Karissa covers the following topics in detail in her article: Potty Training Advice – How I Potty Trained All 3 of My Kids in a Few Days
- Make sure your child is developmentally ready to potty train
- Set the stage for potty training
- Remain patient while teaching your child to use the potty
- Stay dedicated to the process of potty training
- Just go straight to underwear
- Offer rewards when potty training (like this potty training certificate)
- Occasional setbacks while learning to use the potty
For more on this topic, check out the full Potty Training & Pacifiers collection
Potty Training Guide – Free eBook for Parents
Parenting is gross. You learned that the day that your baby was born, and it hasn’t slowed down since then.
Luckily, once you get past this epic milestone of potty training, you don’t have to do the dirty diaper thing anymore!
So sure… the process of potty training isn’t always a pleasant one; but it certainly doesn’t have to be miserable.
With these tips and tools, we’ll help you get to the other (diaper-free) side of this milestone without frustration.
Download the free Potty Training ebook for parents below!
Included in Your FREE Download
12 simple & gentle strategies used to potty train
Methods that Karissa used to potty train each of her children in only a few days.
Print out a potty training chart & a potty training certificate to help the process.